Retirement Planning

Executive One to One

For a variety of reasons it is often not possible or practical for some senior executives to attend a standard retirement planning seminar. Following research among this cohort we introduced to the market in Ireland the Executive One – to – One Retirement Seminar in the year 2000.

This seminar is built around the specific needs of each individual executive. We engage in advance with the prospective attendee and following consultation develop a programme around the areas they have expressed an interest in covering.

We strongly recommend that if there is a spouse/partner that they should be involved also, We have found from our experience that by also engaging directly with the spouse/partner we can tailor the programme to suit both parties in a way that they find immensely rewarding.

Please Contact us to find out more about our Executive One to One courses for your organisation.


If you have any questions about the courses or need further information then please get in touch, we would love to hear from you… fill out this form and we will endeavour to get back to you within 48 hours.



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